Dear Abby: I wanted to take my clothes off, but nobody asked


I am a man in my 50s. A few months ago, I had a routine doctor’s appointment, with a new primary care physician. I intended the appointment to be a complete, regular physical. I don’t (thankfully) have any major physical health issues that I know of. But I was always taught it is wise to have periodic physical exams, in case there is a less obvious medical issue, as well as get to know one’s doctor. I went for the physical exam. I was not asked to undress as I have been with all my previous doctors.

The doctor seemed nice, but I found it strange that I wasn’t examined physically. I find it hard to understand how a doctor could properly examine me without me undressing. The doctor should be used to seeing bodies, and I cannot understand why the doctor or staff were reluctant to ask me to undress. I found this all very confusing. Perhaps there was some miscommunication? I don’t know if this is unusual, temporary or a new normal that I haven’t heard about. Next time, should I be more clear about wanting to be examined thoroughly, or should I change doctors? — COVERED UP IN VIRGINIA


Contact the doctor, explain that in the past you have always had a complete physical which involved you disrobing and ask why it didn’t happen during your last visit. If the answer you receive is unsatisfactory, change doctors.

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Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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Dear Annie: Excessive…

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