What was this strange ship doing in the waters off of Staten Island?

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. – A sharp-eyed North Shore resident recently caught a rare sight in the waters off of Staten Island: a ship belonging to famous Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan.

Well, not the actual ship, but an amazing recreation of Magellan’s vessel Nao Trinidad built by the non-profit Nao Victoria Foundation in Spain.

The ship sailed by the Island on its way to Delaware City, Del., where it was on display for a few days last week, according to the foundation’s Maria Esteban.

Replica of Magellan ship Nao Trinidad sails off the North Shore of Staten Island. (Photo courtesy of Jarene Pagilarulo)

Tompkinsville resident Jarene Pagliarulo spotted the ship from her hilltop home on the North Shore and snapped a few photos, which she shared with the Advance. She later journeyed to Delaware City to view the Nao Trinidad in person.

Pagilarulo has lived on the hill for 43 years and from her home has watched cruise liners, container ships, sailboats, fishing vessels and tugboats ply the waters of New York Harbor.

She also imagines she can see the ships that carried her Dutch ancestors here in 1650, her German ancestors in the 1880s and her Italian ancestors around 1910.

The online MarineTraffic app and a spotting scope help Pagliarulo keep track of the vessels as they come and go.

“But by far the most unusual vessel I’ve seen was on Oct. 16 when a replica of the Nao Trinidad sailed through the Narrows and out to the Atlantic Ocean,” Pagliarulo told the Advance. “Tracking her on the MarineTraffic app, I saw her sailing behind the John J. Marchi ferryboat and imagined how surprised the commuters were at this unusual sight.”

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Replica of Magellan ship Nao Trinidad sails toward the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge on its way to Delaware City, Del. (Photo courtesy of Jarene Pagliarulo)

The vessel, a traveling museum and tribute to Magellan and the bygone early and dangerous days of world exploration, had been visiting spots in the Hudson Valley before sailing past…

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