Botox, Hermes, OnlyFans and other ways Rep. George Santos spent campaign funds




After the House ethics committeeโ€™s monthslong investigation into Rep. George Santos, there was one conclusion, according to a new report: Santos โ€œcannot be trusted.โ€

The embattled lawmaker was already indicted last month on 23 criminal charges, and the ethics committeeโ€™s new report released Thursday breaks down the โ€œsubstantial evidenceโ€ that shows Santos knowingly violated federal criminal laws.

For a year now, Santos has made headlines for his bizarre lies, from where he went to school, to where he worked, to whether his mom died in the 9/11 attacks or claiming he appeared on the Disney Channel show โ€œHannah Montana.โ€ The ethics committee report reveals even more strange, and outright illegal, behavior. Here are some of the most surprising takeaways:

Santos doesnโ€™t have a reputation for telling the truth, so it doesnโ€™t come as much of a surprise that his tweet about cooperating with the House ethics committee turned out to beโ€ฆa lie.

Paying down personal credit card bills and shopping at Sephora and Hermes were just some of the ways Santos spent thousands of dollars of campaign funds.

He also used it on OnlyFans purchases, a website he denied knowing about until recently.

When youโ€™re living as fabulously as Santos is, Botox and spa treatments are a must, and both expenses were taken care of by campaign funds, according to the report. An Airbnb in the Hamptons topped it all off.

Beyond the outlandish spending, the ethics committee report shows Santosโ€™ odd, and somewhat cultish, relationship with his staffers.

Itโ€™s unclear here which text bubble is Santos, but either way, this exchange with an aide leaves us with even more questions.

And finally, the only thing better than the picture used by Santosโ€™ staff members for a 141-page “vulnerability report” is the damming table of contents that follows it.

Read the full article here


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