Veterans at Canton nursing home honored by Amvets

Post 262 Commander Rick Miller, 1st Vice Auxiliary Marlyne Miller, Colonel Jim Hassett, Master Chief Bill Swafford, and 2nd Vice George Cayey at a Veterans Day ceremony at AmVets Post 262 in Colton. Photo submitted by Lyn Swafford.

CANTON โ€“ Potsdam Elks Lodge Veteran Committee members Shelley Vebber, Shawn Thompson, Colonel Jim Hassett U.S. Army (Retired) and PNCM(SS) Bill Swafford, U.S. Navy (Retired) visited the United Helpers Maplewood Nursing Home in Canton, to present gifts to the veteran residents and to show these veterans that they are not forgotten.

After the presentations at the nursing home, Colonel Hassett and Master Chief Swafford relocated to Colton to take part in a ceremony at the AmVets Post 262 to honor all military veterans.

AmVets Post 262 Commander Colonel Rick Miller, U.S. Army (Retired), Colonel Hassett, and PNCM(SS) Swafford, as well as other veterans in attendance honored those veterans both on Active Duty and those with prior service for their dedication to duty and to the place they call home โ€“ the United States of America.

This ceremony also recognized those personnel who gave the ultimate sacrifice in giving their lives for their country. In addition, the group recognized all service membersโ€™ moms, dads, spouses, and children.

Guest speaker Hassett reflected on the Gold Star parents and family members of those who gave their lives for their country. The ceremony concluded with Randy Regan, a member of the Sons, playing taps.

Afterward, the Post 262 Auxiliary and Sons provided a meal while plenty of โ€œsea storiesโ€ finished off a very eventful day.


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