Dear Abby: Senior should open her eyes to value of smartphones


This is in response to “Love My Cheap Phone” (Aug. 28). As a millennial who has worked in retail my whole adult life, I’m tired of the excuse that the older generation can’t or won’t use smartphones.

Personal computers have been out for decades, and smartphones have been around more than 16 years. Like the automatic transmission, these things are designed to make our lives easier and should be embraced rather than shunned. I’ve had people cuss me out over not being able to access discounts due to not having a smartphone — going so far as to claim discrimination.

The only person holding them back is themself, and most of the time smartphones are more intuitive than previously thought. They also all don’t cost $1,000; many basic use smartphones can be bought for under $200, not to mention certain phone companies offer big discounts on people’s first smartphone with a new account. I don’t feel bad for “Love.” I suggest they get with the times, because these devices aren’t going away. — MILLENNIAL IN OREGON


Thank you for writing. After that letter appeared, I was inundated with comments from readers. Some of them agreed with you. Other readers understood “Love’s” point and offered suggestions for transitioning more easily to a modern communication device. Read on:


I’m a senior with mobility issues, and I couldn’t live without my smartphone. It is not a “toy.” I use it to fill my prescriptions, schedule medical appointments, check test results and communicate with my doctors. I do most of my shopping, conduct all of my banking online, call up ride-sharing, make travel arrangements and keep in touch with friends and family. I encourage “Love” to open their mind a bit. — ONLINE SENIOR IN CALIFORNIA


There is a government program, Lifeline (go to, that provides a FREE smartphone and phone service to low-income people. If someone chooses not to have a smartphone for other reasons,…

Read the full article here


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