MONTGOMERY- The footings have been poured for the Hudson Valley Food Bank’s new distribution center located in the Town of Montgomery. The new 40,000-square-foot distribution center will replace the organization’s current facility located in Cornwall-on-Hudson, which it has outgrown.
Marcia Jacobowitz, project manager for the food bank said the holiday season is the perfect time to think about others, which is central to the mission of the food bank.
“Make an effort to help to provide to those that are in need, that are suffering from food insecurity, to obtain the food they need,” said Jacobowitz.
The purpose of the new building is to accommodate the growing need for nutritious food in the region, which has been steadily growing over the past several years.
The new building will have a large refrigeration and freezer space, which Jacobowitz says is needed for foods and vegetables and to keep food longer. Currently, much of the food demand in the Hudson Valley is being met from the food bank’s Albany distribution facility due to a lack of local capacity.
“After the completion of all the footings, next week we hope to have a very, very large crane onsite which will erect the slab walls, the steel, and then the roof will go on,” said Jacobowitz.
Construction is expected to be complete by the late Spring 2024 and the food bank is running a capital campaign to rise $6.5 million toward the cost of the new facility.
To make a donation, or learn more about the campaign, Growing to Feed Our Community, CLICK HERE, email [email protected] or call 845-534-5344
Read the full article here
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