Now-viral video clip shows Grinch trying to ‘steal’ Christmas at Staten Island firehouse party — until NYPD steps in

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — He may be “a vile one” with “termites in his smile” and have “all the sweetness of a seasick crocodile,” but the green guy with the small heart is apparently no match for New York’s Finest and Bravest.

The infamous Grinch, or at least someone who looked just like him, tried to show just how mean he could be during the Engine 153/Ladder 77 family Christmas party in Stapleton.

In a now viral social media clip, Santa is seen waving to an excited crowd. Then, the Grinch sneaks up from behind the back of a firetruck and snatches Santa’s sack of gifts, tossing it over his shoulder and taking off on foot down the street.

However, as he tries to make a clean getaway, an NYPD SUV whips around the corner. Within seconds, a pair of police officers handcuff the grinch and take him into custody to the cheer of the crowd.

Read the full article here


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