Commercial development booms in South Blooming Grove

SOUTH BLOOMING GROVE – Village officials have cut the ribbon on South Blooming Grove’s largest mixed-use commercial building which is home to an upscale grocery store, professional and medical offices, and a commercial catering kitchen.  The building, located on Route 208, is at the center of a community that has seen a rapid growth in population over the past couple of years.

“This is vision and execution, and this is exactly what the community needs,” said Congressman Pat Ryan (D, NY-18), who was present for the ribbon-cutting at the 55,000-square-foot building and presented the village officials and the developers with a congressional award for their work and dedication on behalf of the village constituents.

The five-story structure, located at the corner of Stonegate Drive and Route 208, was tied up for years in planning, according to village officials Joel Stern and Isaac Ekstein.

“This project was going nowhere for three years, and as soon as this administration took over village hall, we worked with the developer to make this beautiful building a reality,” said Stern.  “We had to work with the state Department of Transportation for approval off of the state road, and with their cooperation we made it happen.  Now, we have several other similar commercial buildings in various stages of planning and we look forward to moving those projects along as well.”
The building includes some of the latest “smart building” and interconnectivity technology including energy-efficient heating and cooling systems that make it more environmentally friendly and less expensive to operate.
Stern says the building was built utilizing local suppliers and subcontractors thereby boosting the local economy and business enterprise.
The businesses that are located in the building bring several benefits to the community from tax revenue to important services.
“There will be over 100 jobs created connected to the businesses in this building alone,”…

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