Staten Island Chuck peaks out of his log cabin on Groundhog Day at the Staten Island Zoo on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023. Chuck saw no shadow on the frigid morning, marking an early spring ahead.
Photo by Paul Frangipane
Will Staten Island Chuck predict an early spring, or are we slated for six more weeks of winter?
That’s right, woodchuck chuckers, it’s Groundhog Day!
On Feb. 2, New Yorkers will tune in to see what the fate of our weather patterns will be. Here’s what you need to know about Groundhog Day tomorrow.
Where is Groundhog Day happening in NYC?
New York City’s official Groundhog Day celebration will take at the Staten Island Zoo, home of our resident groundhog, Staten Island Chuck.
What time is the prediction happening and where can I watch it?
The official ceremony will begin at 7 a.m. and will be livestreamed from the Staten Island Zoo’s Facebook page.
What do the predictions mean?
One of two things will happen. Staten Island Chuck will either see their shadow, indicating that we will have six more weeks of winter, or they will not see their shadow, indicating that spring will be early.
How do Chuck’s predictions stack up against Punxsutawney Phil?
These two groundhogs seem to disagree, Chuck predicting early spring these past couple of years while Phil predicted more winter. Statistically, Chuck has had a better track record than Phil, who is usually the country’s go-to predictor for Groundhog Day. However, according to the Staten Island Zoo, Chuck has had an 80% accuracy for their predictions compared to Phil, who sits at 39%.
So wait, which groundhog should I listen to?
It’s up to you! There are also a couple of groundhogs out on Long Island that are making predictions as well, so we’ll see who was actually right in the end.
Read the full article here
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