Ithaca names Houck as new director of Ithaca Youth Bureau

The City of Ithaca recently announced Gregg Houck as the new Director of the Ithaca Youth Bureau (IYB), effective January 2024. With a rich background in community service and youth development, Houck transitions from his role as Senior Director of Community Impact at United Way of Tompkins County. His previous leadership roles within the YMCA in Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and Ithaca, coupled with his academic credentials from SUNY Cortland, position him as a dynamic leader for the IYB.

Houck expressed his eagerness to collaborate with the IYB team to enhance programs for youth and their families in the area. His commitment to fostering a nurturing environment for local youth shines through his ambition to listen and learn from the community to shape a vision for the bureauโ€™s future.

The City of Ithaca and the Youth Bureau look forward to Houckโ€™s leadership, confident in his ability to drive the bureauโ€™s mission of diversity, equity, and inclusion further. Houckโ€™s extensive experience in community engagement and youth programs promises a bright future for the Ithaca Youth Bureau under his direction.

Read the full article here


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