Joe Biden is looking for ways to get his message to break through. He’s hoping his Cabinet can play a key role.

Janet Yellen isn’t a political operator, but she’s one of President Joe Biden’s strongest and most credible economic messengers.

And in an election year when Biden needs all the help he can get to make his economic message break through – a majority of voters, 55%, say Biden’s policies have worsened economic conditions in a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS – the Treasury secretary is taking that message on the road.

Yellen recently went on the offensive, offering a rare pair of jabs at former President Donald Trump on infrastructure and taxes – and a concrete example of how the White House is leveraging its Cabinet members for a general election push.

“In the Trump administration, the idea of doing anything to fix [infrastructure] was a punchline, but this administration has delivered,” she said in remarks on middle-class investment to the Economic Club of Chicago, while also chiding Trump’s tax policy.

The next day, Yellen went to battleground Wisconsin, touting funding for a manufacturing training facility. And she is expected to travel to multiple states in the Midwest next week, a Treasury official said.

Her ability to stay largely apolitical and her depth of experience makes her a trusted and effective emissary in the White House’s eyes, as Biden looks to use his lieutenants as a key part of his reelection push. The president’s Cabinet consists of people who administration officials feel are some of his most effective and politically astute messengers, representing one of the ways that the president – wracked by stubbornly low approval ratings – can use the levers of the incumbency to drive his message to the American people.

By relying on younger and more diverse Cabinet members who are deeply knowledgeable about the provisions of…

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