NEWBURGH – The first of two, possibly three, hearings took place Friday for special education teacher Richard Desiderio, whom the Newburgh Enlarged School District wants to terminate on a variety of charges.
The school district’s attorney, David Shaw, said Desiderio faces 14 charges, including touching students inappropriately, though not sexually. He called on a number of teachers and administrators, who testified that they had seen Desiderio holding students on his lap in four incidents between 2021 and 2023 at Horizons-on-Hudson elementary school.
Matthew Bergeron, the NYSUT attorney representing Desiderio, said that Newburgh is a high needs district, including the desire for attention and caring. He characterized Desiderio as a “great teacher” who establishes rapport with and radiates warmth for his students. He contends the district has been negligent in following up on the incidents. The latest incident occurred May 5, 2023 yet the district waited until September 5 to suspend Desiderio, on full pay.
The incident “certainly doesn’t justify termination,” Bergeron said.
Desiderio claims the suspension, and three others, is in retaliation for him revealing discrepancies in attendance and grading for Newburgh Free Academy student athletes in 2016.
A second hearing will be held February 14; a third hearing may be held depending on how the first two transpire.
Read the full article here
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