Special counsel urges Supreme Court to deny Trump’s request for delay in immunity case

Special counsel Jack Smith pressed the Supreme Court on Wednesday to let stand a lower court ruling that denied former President Donald Trump immunity from prosecution, urging the justices to allow the trial in his election subversion case to begin quickly.

“The charged crimes strike at the heart of our democracy,” Smith told the Supreme Court.

“A president’s alleged criminal scheme to overturn an election and thwart the peaceful transfer of power to his successor should be the last place to recognize a novel form of absolute immunity from federal criminal law,” the special counsel added.

Smith’s filing was a response to an emergency request to the Supreme Court that Trump made Monday, seeking to pause proceedings so he could appeal a DC Circuit decision that denied him the ability to claim presidential immunity. Trump has argued that the “presidency as we know it will cease to exist” if the lower court’s ruling was allowed to stand. Smith’s response came days before it was due, underscoring the special counsel’s desire to rapidly move to trial.

Smith argued Trump cannot meet the standard required to block the lower court’s ruling.

“Delay in the resolution of these charges threatens to frustrate the public interest in a speedy and fair verdict,” Smith wrote.

Smith asked that if the court orders a delay that it consider the request an appeal and set the case for expedited briefing and argument. In that circumstance, Smith asked that the arguments take place next month.

The special counsel’s response drew heavily on history, quoting from Alexander Hamilton and other founding-era leaders, to establish the idea that presidents should be held accountable for their conduct. He argued that Trump was unable to “point to any…

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