KINGSTON- The Ulster County Comptroller has released a second snapshot on the Opioid settlement funds received by Ulster County, $1,297,279 of which was received in 2022 and $454,627 in 2023. In addition, the county received $1.2 million in funding through the State Office of Addiction Services and Supports.
According to the report, in 2023, Ulster County experienced over 460 nonfatal opioid overdoses and 48 opioid-related deaths, with four additional likely opioid overdose cases awaiting toxicology screening. While non-fatal overdoses reported has continued to rise, 2023 data reflects a significant reduction from 2021 deaths reported, which saw a high of 71 opioid-related fatal overdoses.
“The Comptroller’s Office advises focusing funds on effective programs like the Sheriff’s ORACLE program and utilize one-time funding streams for one-time expenses. This ensures ongoing support for long-term opioid addiction treatment and prevention services,” said Comptroller March Gallagher.
The Sheriff’s Office Opioid Response as County Law Enforcement program (ORACLE) has distributed thousands of naloxone kits and trainings to address overdoses. ORACLE is funded through a federal grant, not Opioid settlement funds.
“The cost of opioids on our community is tremendous and these funds are but a drop in the bucket for the damage inflicted on Ulster County families,” said Gallagher.
Opioid Snapshot
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