Young Omar, the 4-year old boy injured in Gaza attack, receives medical care at Richmond University Medical Center

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Omar Abukwaik, the 4-year-old boy who arrived in New York on Jan. 17 from Gaza — where war has been raging since October between Hamas and Israel — continues to receive proper medical treatment in the United States thanks to the Global Medical Relief Fund.

The innocent child lost his arm when debris flew through the air as a result of a bombing to his home, which was destroyed.

Portions of his leg and his body were also severely burned and his face was badly bruised by shrapnel.

His entire family was killed in the bombing.

The mission of the Global Medical Relief Fund is to help resource-less children who are victims of war, natural disasters or other catastrophes locally and worldwide.

The organization provides care, compassion and access to free medical treatments for those in need.

On Jan. 3, Omar underwent surgery under the care of Dr. Scott Kozin, chief of staff at Shriner’s Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia in order to repair his damaged leg. He also underwent silicone treatments to his arm to prepare him for his prosthetic limb.

Omar was accompanied by his paternal aunt, Maha Aburezeq, and Elissa Montanti, founder and director of the Global Medical Relief Fund, the 25 year-old Staten Island-based not-for-profit.

Montanti worked with officials in the war zone to arrange for Omar’s safe transportation to the United States in order to receive proper care.

Omar and his aunt have been staying at the Dare to Dream House in Arrochar, operated by the Global Medical Relief Fund (GMRF) and Elissa Montanti.


Because there’s also concern about Omar’s hearing, Daniel Messina, president and CEO of Richmond University Medical Center (RUMC), stepped in to arrange for the child to receive related treatment at the West Brighton health care facility.


Daniel Messina, president and CEO of Richmond University Medical Center,…

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