Water park hosts Sullivan County Workforce Summit (VIDEO)

MONTICELLO- The Kartrite Water Park in Monticello hosted the Sullivan County Workforce Summit on Tuesday.  Dozens of business representatives and various support groups were in attendance to provide information about hiring individuals with disabilities.

The event was led by Loreen Gebelin, Director of the Center of Workforce Development.  “People with disabilities can work one or two days per week.  They can do many things, they are ready, willing, and able to show up for work when some people are not.  These people deserve to have a life, to work, and be sustainable in Sullivan County.”

John Cronin, Human Resource Manager for Khol’s Distribution in Wurtsboro explained how the company is working to employ individuals with disabilities.

“It’s a physical challenge versus a cognitive challenge, we would work with those individuals.  Right now we are working with Sullivan County to see if there are opportunities for them to come in, not work directly for Khols, but work for the county, and Khol’s would reimburse the county for the work they produce for us,” said Cronin.

There are many services available for people who need help, want information, or are seeking a job.  One local organization, Hope Not Handcuffs, was on hand to connect with employers about work opportunities for individuals who are in recovery from alcohol or drug use.

Those in attendance underscored the importance of finding and retaining workers, which has become a growing challenge for employers in recent years.

Read the full article here


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