To the Editor:
I’m writing in opposition to the NY HEAT Act, S.2016A/A.4591A proposed in the legislature as well as the “Affordable Gas Transition Act” proposed in the Governor’s budget. Both of these bills purport to advance the state’s environmental “justice” goals created under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) yet this justice is not extended to every rate payer. Under the HEAT Act, “low to moderate income” ratepayers will have their rate increases capped at 6 percent while the majority of ratepayers will foot the bulk of the cost with their utility bills increasing vastly more than 6 percent. It’s unrealistic and unaffordable. But the bad news doesn’t stop there. The HEAT Act gets rid of a rule that requires utility companies to connect any consumer within 100 feet of a gas line to the main line free of charge, imposing yet another cost on consumers. Furthermore, the HEAT Act would impose even more unaffordable costs on consumers as reports suggest each customer will have to pay roughly $50,000 to convert their house from natural gas to exclusively electric consumption. The “Affordable Gas Transition Act” compounds the issue by removing consumer choice from their energy supply in allowing the Public Service Commission to outright ban and discontinue use of natural gas. This isn’t a smooth transition, it’s a reckless top-down ban on affordable clean energy. We can’t afford even higher utility bills, I’m asking our politicians to reject these proposals so everyday New Yorkers can afford their regular way of life.
John White
Read the full article here
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