Here’s the thing. For most of the Honey crew, we don’t really do sports. It’s rare, if ever, that we even cover it. But you know what we do do? Support the girls. You can catch us hyping strangers up in bar bathrooms and grocery store lines while also voting for more women in office, so when it comes to cheering on the girls in sports, you can count us in.
Friday is the NCAA Women’s Basketball Final Four and the hype is real. We wanted to get in on the action and encourage our readers to do the same. From equal pay, to receiving the same play/air time on TV as the men’s leagues, and the right to play them at all, we are rooting for the basketball girls this week. Keep reading for Honey’s Guide to the Final Four, complete with matching Cowboy Carter songs, notable stats and storylines to follow so you can chime in on ~the discourse~ online.
Honey’s guide to watching the Final Four
TLDR: The NCAA Women’s Basketball Final Four is this Friday and it’s a big freaking deal.
We put together the girl’s guide to watching and participating in the women’s college basketball tournament. We’re not dumb; we just don’t know sports—probably because it hasn’t been marketed to us, or included us, or respected us. But that’s neither here nor there, because we’re learning for the girls!
This Friday, Iowa will play the University of Connecticut (UCONN) and North Carolina State (NC State) will play South Carolina to determine who qualifies for the national championship game. This year is THE year to join in on the buzz with records being broken left and right including Iowa’s win over LSU breaking the record for most-watched women’s college basketball game with 12.3 million viewers, Iowa’s Caitlin Clarkpassing the NCAA all-time scoring record (men’s and women’s) with 3,668 points; and tickets for the Final Four going for twice that of the men’s games.
The Breakdown
Watch No. 3 NC State vs. No. 1 South Carolina Friday at 7 p.m. (ET) on ESPN
Read the full article here
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