What they’re saying: live arts in Brooklyn this week, April 25

Boldly, The Show is a monthly show that encourages both audience members and performers to be bold, taking real stories from audience members and improvising around these anecdotes. Comedians Lily Blumkin and Lauren Arnett host the show, accompanied by special guests Kristina DeGiovanni, Matt Kutz and Jack Homseley.

“Improv comedy is by its nature going to be less funny and consistent than scripted work, but its appeal is also different. You suspend your disbelief in a great play, but in engaging improv, you find yourself imagining the mind of the performer, thinking along with them. How will they raise the stakes? How will they make sense of this?” – Jason Zinoman, New York Times on BCC and Improv.

Lynn Nottage’s Fabulation, or the Re-Education of Undine
The Billie Holiday Theatre, 1368 Fulton Street, Bedford Stuyvesant
Shows through May 19

“Fabulation,” a play by Lynn Nottage, first debuted at Playwright’s Horizons in 2004. It centers around the story of Undine, a successful African-American publicist living in Manhattan, who is forced to return to her former working-class life in Brooklyn after her husband takes her money. Now this acclaimed play is coming to Bed-Stuy.

The Billie Holiday Theatre is a premier creative campus in Bed-Stuy which elevates the voices of Black artists in the community. The theatre has an education program led by and for Black artists, which has been running for over 22 years.

“Directed by Martavius Parrish, The Billie’s production of Fabulation or, the Re-Education of Undine features award-winning actress Felicia Curry in the lead role bringing the character of Undine to life for the majority of the play’s run through May 6th. Kedren A Spencer will assume the role for the remaining two weeks of the production.” – Nina Flowers, Patch.com

“This is not the comedy of deracination it at first seems; it’s a comedy of re-racination, of discovering one’s authentic self by stripping away the…

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