Frustrated jobseekers who suspect their online applications may be going nowhere may be right, as a recent nationwide survey suggests that nearly 40% of employers posted a fake job ad over the past year.
Of the nearly 650 hiring managers polled in May, the survey found that 39% said their employers had posted a fake ad in the past year, according to the survey published last month. Roughly 30% of respondents said their employer had at least one fake job ad still up.
“It isn’t all in their head by any stretch,” Jim Morris, owner of the Farmingdale Express Employment Professionals office, a franchised recruitment firm, said of wary jobseekers. “We’ve definitely seen fake job ads. Definitely multiple times monthly.”
Reasons for posting fictitious job ads include: making it appear as if a company was open to external talent; to make an employer look as if they were growing; to placate overworked employees into thinking co-workers were on the way; to make workers feel replaceable; and to collect resumes for any future recruitment efforts.
Morris said when he contacted Long Island employers to offer recruiting assistance, the employer often told him that the position was not likely to be filled.
“When we reach out to them and say, ‘I see your posting, can we help you out with this role?’ often we hear some variation of, ‘You know, that’s from HR, that’s from corporate, I don’t know why they have it up, I can’t grow our head count,’ ” Morris said.
Other times, he said, employers will say they don’t plan to fill the role but are looking to build a collection of resumes for future use.
“There’s a disconnect with some of these regional companies,” said Morris, who has mostly seen the issue pop up when dealing with large employers with national operations. “I don’t know if it’s coming from a bad place, but it’s going on.”
Hiring managers in the survey said, in most cases, 37% of the time the idea to post the ads came from HR…
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