Shopportunist: Walmart+ serves up extra savings

If you shop at Walmart then you’re probably familiar with Walmart+, the company’s subscription service.  You may even be a member. If not, you may be missing out. 

Touted as the ultimate timesaver, Walmart+ has leveraged the retailer’s expansive online reach and ubiquitous brick-and-mortar presence to offer perks that provide unprecedented convenience. The program launched during the heart of the pandemic, critical timing considering one of the biggest benefits is complimentary grocery pick up and delivery. 

The Walmart+ program is $12.95 a month or $98 a year, significantly less expensive than Amazon Prime, which  costs $139 a year. Members receive a bunch of benefits, including a brand new offering: Free at-home returns. (Yes, if you’re crunched for time or simply don’t feel like mingling with the gen pop, someone will come to your house and collect your return for free.)

I’ve been a Walmart+ member for six months. I’ve taken advantage of most of the convenient cost-savers. I’m particularly fond of the free grocery delivery. I can reorder “my items” — products I’ve purchased in the past — with just a few clicks, set a time for delivery and scoop my bags up off the front porch after they arrive. The at-home returns could be a game-changer. You can even return perishable grocery products. 

If you aren’t familiar with the Walmart+, I recommend looking into it. You can sign up for a free 30-day trial. Keep your eye out for half-price subscription membership promotions, too. I joined last year for $48. Here’s a rundown of the program’s best perks. 

Grocery pickup and delivery: These services exploded during the pandemic as folks sought to limit exposure to COVID-19. Well, some of us (eh hum) grew quite accustomed to this time-saving perk as a means to limit exposure to chaotic store aisles and impulse spending. Walmart+ members enjoy free unlimited…

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