Residents in Sullivan County have coffee with sheriff in Hurleyville (VIDEO)

HURLEYVILLE- On Saturday Sullivan County Sheriff Mike Schiff hosted a “Coffee with the Sheriff” event at the Hurleyville General Store.  He was joined by Town of Fallsburgh Police Chief Simmie Williams as well as Sullivan County Undersheriff Eric Chaboty.

“These are very casual events,” said Sheriff Mike Schiff.  “It’s not only people coming to talk about issues, some people just stop in to say hello.  It’s an opportunity to see me, the undersheriff, or some of our people.”

Fallsburgh resident Justin Picciotti who attended the event stated, “There has to be a trust and a bond between the community and our police force.  I think here in Sullivan County, they’re doing a great effort to make that happen.”

Rob Lombardi, co-owner of the Hurleyville General Store was glad to be hosting the event.  Lombardi said that beyond serving as the general store for the community, he and his wife have made the store a place where individuals with special needs can shop, eat, and feel comfortable.

“Some places maybe they’re looked at as different, but here it is the norm,” said Lombardi, whose store is located in the same small community as The Center for Discovery.  The Center for Discovery is a globally recognized medical, clinical, and special education institution for children and adults with complex special needs.

“They are not looked at differently, they are cherished,” concluded Lombardi.

Read the full article here


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