School. Sports. Social. Staten Island. Today’s story is part of the launch of our “Plugged in Parent” content, in which we’ll tell the stories that Staten Island families need to know — all in one place. We’ll be covering news that is valuable to students in public, Catholic and private schools — both in and out of the classroom. From highlights in sports, to photos from prom, to critical education news — “Plugged In Parent,” you won’t want to miss it.
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Markham Intermediate School 51 students in the sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade Spartan Theatre Troupe members all had to audition to be part of the group. They rehearsed many hours after school to bring a rousing production of Matilda Jr. to friends and family in the community. This group, directed by James McLaughlin, is brought to the school by New York Edge. This is a non-profit organization which provides after-school sports and arts programs in NYC and the metropolitan region.
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