Madrid man gets probation for sex abuse; calls for mandated clergy reporting renewed by CFCtoo


CFCtoo members recently visited Albany urging lawmakers to support the Child Abuse Reporting Expansion Act, which would make clergy mandated reporters. Pictured in front are Michelle Wilbur and Abbi Nye, formerly of St. Lawrence County. (CFCtoo photo)

Editor’s note: This story contains description of sexual abuse that may be offensive to some readers.

North Country This Week

MADRID – A man who admitted rubbing his erect penis on the genitals and anus of victims aged 2 and 4 while bathing them will receive six years probation and register as a Level 1 sex offender following a plea deal in Madrid Court Tuesday.

The original charge of first-degree sexual abuse would have carried a maximum of seven years in prison. Under the plea agreement there will be no prison time.

The incident occurred in 2015, but wasn’t reported until 2021 after the accusations were uncovered by St. Lawrence County Child Protection Services, who reported the allegations to police.

No stay away order of protection was ever issued in favor of the victims nor was one included or requested as part of the deal.

Sean Ferguson, 43, was charged with first-degree sexual abuse and acting in a manner injurious to a child in May of 2022.

Ferguson will be supervised for six years for a charge of second-degree sexual abuse and must register as a Level 1 sex offender, though he will not be included in the online searchable database. New York State defines a Level 1 offender as being of low risk of a repeat offense; Level 2 represents a moderate risk and Level 3 a high risk.

Tough to prosecute

“The deal was the best of two unsatisfying outcomes,” St. Lawrence County District Attorney Gary Pasqua said. “Under the agreement he will be under supervision, he’s convicted of a crime and has to register as a sex offender.”

He said that given what the prosecutors had to work with, it was the best result they could expect. Pasqua says the alternative outcome could have ended with…

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