New York and Title 42; Remembering Dooce; Affordable Mental Healthcare in NYC; Your Famous (American) Name




Coming up on today’s show:

    Murad Awawdeh, executive director at the New York Immigration Coalition, discusses how the city is responding to migrants making their way here, the dispute with the northern suburbs over housing them and what NYIC believes can be done by both federal and local governments to handle the new arrivals.
    Heather Armstrong, the influential blogger who created and wrote, died this week by suicide. Jo Piazza, author, podcast creator and journalist, talks about her legacy and how the moniker “queen of the mommy bloggers,” which is how much of the media referred to her, didn’t do her work justice.
    Reaching out for help when you’re experiencing mental health struggles is difficult enough, but exorbitant prices, a scarcity of providers, and dealing with confusing health insurance companies can make finding a therapist even more difficult. Caroline Lewis, Health Reporter for WNYC and Gothamist shares her guide for finding affordable therapy in New York City.
    Over the years, Connie Wang, journalist and author of Oh My Mother! A Memoir in Nine Adventures (Viking, 2023), has realized that there is an entire generation of other Asian-American women named Connie after the Chinese-American journalist Connie Chung. She joins to discuss her latest article in the New York Times Magazine and hear from listeners who were also named after famous Americans in their families attempts to assimilate to American culture.

Transcripts are posted to each segment as they become available.


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