Planning underway to locate dinosaur park in Orange County (VIDEO)

GOSHEN – Orange County officials Monday announced plans for a dinosaur theme park.

It will be located in the Town of Montgomery.

This is the third proposed location for the park, which will be similar to one in New Jersey.

County Executive Steven Neuhaus called it “a major marriage with our local history” as the first full-sized Macedon was found in Orange County years ago.

Montgomery Town Supervisor Ron Feller said they are “100 percent in favor of this project.”

Neil Gold got the idea to build the park after taking his grandson to a similar park. When they got home, the lad started making dinosaurs from Legos and that’s when the light went off – Gold realized the same age group who enjoy dinosaurs also like Legos and the county has Legoland.

County Economic Development Director Steven Gross said the project will provide a major shot in the arm in terms of jobs and sales tax revenue.

“We want to be the family destination for tourism and hospitality in the Hudson Valley,” said Gross.

Read the full article here


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