Commack High School teens teach peers about the dangers of distracted driving 

Best friends. Lip gloss. Lattes. This benign and seemingly unrelated list shares one thing in common, according to Commack High Schools’ Students Against Destructive Decisions club. 

They’re all potential distractions on the road that could cost young motorists their lives.

On Wednesday, SADD members delivered a safe driving program, urging juniors and seniors at the school, who may only recently have obtained a learner’s permit or driver’s license, to put down the cellphone and concentrate on the road.

“We really want to show them how important it is to focus on what you’re doing when you’re on the road,” said 11th grader Emily Hall. “And we really want to drill in the point that even people who make good decisions one day can make a bad decision that can change their life forever.”

     What to know

  • Commack High Schools’ Students Against Destructive Decisions club made presentations Wednesday to 11th and 12th grade students on the risks of distracted driving
  • The program, crafted by Stony Brook University Hospital, is designed to reduce the number of teen crashes, which are the leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 13 and 19
  • There were 14 fatal crashes on Long Island in 2022 attributed to driver inattention or distraction, according to the Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research in Albany

The 40-minute interactive program, which was crafted by officials from Stony Brook University Hospital and includes a 10-minute video, focuses on the risks of distracted driving, from texting and eating to putting on makeup and futzing with the radio. 

Roughly eight teenagers die each day from motor vehicle crash injuries, making it the leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 13 and 19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 2022, law enforcement reported 14 fatal crashes on Long Island — 11 in Suffolk and three in Nassau — attributed to driver inattention or…

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