POUGHKEEPSIE – The recently installed benches along Main Street between Market and Hamilton Streets were removed on Monday afternoon by Executive Order of Mayor Marc Nelson. The benches were authorized by Second Ward Councilman Evan Menist, who spent $50,000 of American Rescue Plan funds to “beautify” the Main Street corridor. The plan also included the installation of decorative fences around trees on Main Street, new trash and recyclable receptacles, and hanging flower pots from street lights. The flowers were being watered once a day by DPW workers but many have already died and have been removed.
Within 24 hours of the benches being installed, Mid-Hudson News and other businesses in the area witnessed the benches being used by members of the homeless community and others for sleeping, including setting up small “campsites” around the benches.
The controversial benches were not welcomed by members of the police department with officers telling Mid-Hudson News that the benches invite panhandlers and others to become “comfortable” and more likely to become a nuisance. One of the primary tenants of community policing says, in order to prevent undesirable behavior in a community, it is recommended that seating areas are removed to prevent vagrants from congregating for long periods and engaging in possible illegal behavior. Councilman Menist, according to police and Mayor Nelson, did not consult with the officers that patrol the area on a daily basis.
The Executive Order, signed by Nelson on June 12th says in part “There was little to no input sought from the local business community, or from the City of Poughkeepsie Police Department, prior to the rollout of the Councilman’s ‘beautification’ effort.” Nelson says that Police Chief Tom Pape told him that the Community Policing policy in the city is based on “the input of the community in decision-making which affects, or could affect, quality of life and ability to conduct…
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