The race to be the first legal cannabis dispensary open in Western New York continues – but because the process is so brand new and so opaque, no one seems to know how it will shake out.
Construction is currently underway to renovate space at 6055 Transit Road in Depew for the coming of Herbal IQ.
Legal cannabis growers have been sitting on millions of dollars worth of cannabis in New York, waiting for more state-licensed pot dispensaries to open where they can sell it.
“We anticipate having the work done and scheduling a grand opening in the next couple weeks,” said Mike Ortiz, the dispensary licensee who co-owns the license with Bradley Kyler.
Aaron Van Camp, another licensee who signed his lease “ages ago,” at 501 Main St. in Buffalo, and is still working to get his store open, said his experience is that the process moves much slower than license holders hope.
Van Camp has municipal site approval and is in the process of completing another 31-page application asking about financials, point-of-sales, insurance and banking. He is also busy installing the required number of sprinklers and signage to meet fire code to receive a certificate of occupancy from the City of Buffalo.
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