Early Addition: A NYC dog tarot reading is in your future




Happy Summer Solstice Wednesday in New York City, where you can kick off the season with a new Spongebob popsicle.

As if the iconic, sometimes half-melted, gumball eyes didn’t already make for a silly-looking frozen treat, they’ve now been replaced with chocolate chips, and fans are not happy about it.

Here’s what else is happening:

  • Ever wonder what itโ€™d be like to watch an episode of Radiolab come to life before your eyes? On Thursday, at the Greene Space you can experience just that. Join Senior Producer Simon Adler as he tells the story of the loneliest man in the universe and the cassette tape that saved him.
  • Dollar vans used to be so ubiquitous they earned a mention in Jay-Z’s “Empire State of Mind” song. But now the number of vans offering cheap rides has shrunk to fewer than 30 and drivers are calling on Albany to approve a set of bills to lower insurance rates and help rebuild the once thriving system.
  • Tune in to All Of It today at noon to hear more about that Upper West Side 70’s cult. Author Alexander Stille will join the show to discuss his new book, Theย Sullivanians: Sex, Psychotherapy, and the Wild Life of an American Commune.
  • There is no better place to make a comeback than NYC and that’s exactly what cake is doing right now. Between rebranding as a solo dish to stripping away extravagant designs in favor of “naked” creations, cake bakers are having their moment.
  • Move out of the way Tesla, Airbus is experimenting with adding more autopilot features to their planes, extending it to landing, taxiing and using it to help in the event of an emergency.
  • New York passed a bill to protect doctors who prescribe abortion pills through telehealth services to residents of states where abortion is banned.
  • Dog psychics are definitely a real thing and you can see for yourself this weekend at the first ever Manhattan West Woof Fest: Paws for Pride festival where, along with pup tarot readings, there will doggy manicures and caricatures.
  • And finally, psychics say this pup…

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