This fitness company wants to pay you $10,000 to walk 10,000 steps in a single day—here’s how it works

Forget CEO, this fitness company wants you to be its CSO, Chief Step Officer.

For the new company’s first hire, GymBird is choosing one lucky person to walk 10,000 steps in one day for $10,000, according to its site.

Accepting the offer requires the CSO to train for a month until they feel comfortable walking 10,000 steps in a single day. The CSO who lands the job will get a smartwatch from the company to track their progress.

Throughout the month, they’re also expected to share their experience on their social media accounts with one post a week, encouraging other people to walk more often.

“By the last day of the month, they must walk the full 10,000 steps within a 24-hour period,” GymBird wrote in its job offering.

To participate in this unique challenge, you must apply by July 19, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. MST.

The full list of requirements for the role include:

  • Being at least 18 years old
  • Being a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident
  • Filming a two-minute video describing how the experience is going each week
  • Writing a paragraph at the end of every week to recap your experience including your “activities, challenges, success, and overall feelings.”
  • Uploading one social media post every week “to encourage and empower others to take their first step.”

Not only can this opportunity make you $10,000 richer, but it can also make you healthier.

Just under 10,000 steps each day (9,800) can lower risk of dementia by 50%, according to two studies published in JAMA Neurology and JAMA Internal Medicine last year.

For every 2,000 steps you walk daily, you can reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and premature death by 10%, peaking at 10,000 steps, the research shows.

And more and more companies are aiming to prioritize their employees’ well-being, including meal-prep company, Nutrition Solutions, which pays its staff their normal pay rate to work out before their shifts.

Similarly, GymBird finds it important to encourage people to move their bodies and stay active. The fitness…

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