Dear Abby: Doctor’s bedside manner is a bit too friendly

DEAR ABBY: Is it a problem that my doctor is a bit of a flirt? I had a procedure recently, and when it was completed, the doctor announced, “All set!” My reflexive response of gratitude, relief and optimism that the procedure would help me was, “Beautiful!” Doctor’s response to that was, “Just like you.”

Now, that could mean “Just like you to respond that way,” or it could mean, “You are beautiful.” I don’t mind either way. But is this a problem that should be noted somewhere? It’s not the first flirty-type double-entendre. — DON’T MIND BUT OTHERS MIGHT

DEAR DON’T MIND: If the compliment was followed by anything else that made you uncomfortable, you should have spoken up and told him so. He may have meant that you are a beautiful person rather than any physical attribute. Or he may say something similar to ingratiate himself to all his female patients. Bottom line: If you feel you must be on guard with your doctor, pay attention to your intuition and find another one.

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DEAR ABBY: I have three grown children living in my house — my son, 27, and my daughters aged 27 and 23. All three have boyfriends and girlfriends who occasionally sleep over. My son’s girlfriend sleeps in his room, while my daughters’ boyfriends sleep on the couch. The girls are now asking for their boyfriends to sleep in their bedrooms. I know they are not babies, but I’m not comfortable with it. What’s your thought? — UNCOMFORTABLE DAD IN NEW YORK

DEAR DAD: As you stated, your children are all adults. I find it interesting that you have allowed your son to do this while denying it to your daughters. If ever there was an example of the double standard, this is it.

Of course, the bottom line is that this is your house, and you get to set the rules. Before you do that, look into your heart, figure out what is making you uncomfortable and have a frank discussion about your feelings with all your children.

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DEAR ABBY: I have been seeing a widower for…

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