Baby formula shortage has created big rise in unsafe feeding practices, experts say

According to a new national study by BMS Pediatrics, there has been a 40 percent rise in the number of Americans employing unsafe feeding practices, such as the dilution of baby formula, due to an ongoing formula shortage across parts of the U.S.

The study also highlights a concerning 30 percent increase in the use of watered-down infant formula. Andrea Ippolito, a mother to a newborn and founder of SimpliFed, a national lactation consulting company, emphasizes that the shortage-induced stress experienced by families has not yet abated, even as the formula scarcity has largely receded in certain regions.

Experts, including Ippolito, are calling for enhanced solutions to alleviate this issue. They propose increased domestic formula production, improved access to feeding supplies, and expanded health coverage support.

Read the full article here


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