Alzheimer’s Association offers support groups, including two on East Side

Alzheimer’s disease can be a severe struggle for those who have it, from losing precious memories to poor judgment that can put themselves and others in harm’s way.

“We are aware of the many challenges faced by people who care for those with dementia,” Andrea Koch, director of education with the chapter, said when announcing the new group.

The struggle for those with the disease is clear, but behind the scenes, their loved ones and caregivers likely are struggling, too.

“It can become like a 24/7 job to be there (for their loved one),” said Andrea Koch, director of education and training at the Alzheimer’s Association WNY Chapter ( “To keep an eye on their loved one to make sure that they’re safe, that they’re not doing anything potentially dangerous.”

The chapter provides care and support for those with dementia symptoms and their loved ones and caregivers, including financial assistance for respite care, driving evaluations, education classes, support groups and a free 24/7 helpline to help findย related resources. The hotline can be reached at (800) 272-3900.ย 

“We’re trying to do more in the City of Buffalo to let folks know that this is something that is incredibly prevalent across the board,” Koch said. “And there is no need to be…

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