Protect Our Care group brings bus tour to Ulster County

KINGSTON – Protect Our Care, a national healthcare organization, brought its first bus tour to New York, stopping in Kingston on Tuesday for a rally to tout Democratic accomplishments on lowering prescription drug prices and protecting the health care safety net.

The group called out MAGA Republicans in Congress “for their attacks on vital health care programs and coverage for people with pre-existing conditions.”

Ulster County Executive Jen Metzger had a message for GOP members of the House and Senate.

“My message today for Republicans in Congress is to keep your hands off our healthcare,” she told a small group that attended the rally,” she said.

The county executive said in Ulster County, residents have to make tradeoffs between paying for medicine or rent and putting food on the table. “That’s not right,” she said.

State Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado also spoke saying, “greed is not good. Any individual that calls themselves a public servant, while at the same time working to keep, or make it more difficult for you to vote, or is trying to undermine your ability to collectively bargain or supports big pharma at the expense of your health and wellbeing is lying to you when they call themselves a public servant. They are not a friend of the people,” Delgado said.

Read the full article here


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