KINGSTON – Plans will move forward with development of the Ulster County Workforce Innovation Center for the Green Economy now that the county legislature approved a lease agreement with the owners of iPark 87, the former IBM Kingston facility in the Town of Ulster.
The center will be a model of collaboration in which the county, educational institutions, and community-based partners will work together with employers to develop curriculum, micro-credentials, apprenticeships, and other programs that create pathways for local workers into good-paying, family-sustaining jobs at iPark87 and other areas of the county.
County Executive Jen Metzger would like to locate three interconnecting county offices at the site: economic development, employment and training, and tourism. Those offices will locate in 20,000 square feet in the main building on the east iPark87 campus to accommodate the three county departments as well as flex space for workforce training, conferences, and meetings.
SUNY New Paltz and SUNY Ulster will each lease an additional 10,000 SF of space in the same building for the Workforce Innovation Center.
Metzger called the project “truly transformative” for the county.
KINGSTON – Plans will move forward with development of the Ulster County Workforce Innovation Center for the Green Economy now that t
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