Dear Annie: When it is no longer safe for your loved ones to drive, take their keys away

Dear Annie:

On Father’s Day of 2022, we were returning home from my son’s house when a car coming in the other direction crossed the center line and hit our vehicle head on. The driver of the other vehicle was 83 years old. She died shortly after the accident. More than a year later, I am still recovering.

I know it is not easy to give up your driving privileges. I voluntarily stopped driving myself a few years ago because of heart issues. I realized I was a danger to myself and others. However, I started driving again after I had a pacemaker implanted.

My grandmother was an example to me. When she realized she was no longer a safe driver, she asked family members to drive for her.

Each person is different, but when it is no longer safe for your loved ones to drive, tell them that, and take their keys away. You will protect them as well as others on the road. — Still Recovering

Dear Still Recovering:

That story is so sad. I am sorry for everyone involved. Thank you for sharing your letter, and I hope it helps others who are questioning if they should be on the road to make the right decision.

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].



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Read the full article here


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