Really want to cut crime in America? It’s simple: Deport all of the Americans.
For all of the fear being drummed up after two sex crimes reportedly committed by asylum-seekers bused here from New York City, the xenophobia is not supported by the data.
The most recent overreaction was from SUNY Buffalo State University officials, who terminated a deal with Jericho Road Community Health Center to house 44 undocumented immigrants in campus dorms, reportedly because parents feared for the safety of students.
The university’s statement did not mention the reported attacks, citing only the need to “ensure the best possible learning environment for our students and smooth functioning of our university operations.”
But let’s just say the timing is mighty suspicious.
After a last-minute scramble by Jericho Road Community Health Center, 44 asylum-seekers being housed in dorm rooms at SUNY Buffalo State were being moved off campus late Monday afternoon and into two locations elsewhere.
Jericho Road founder and CEO Dr. Myron Glick certainly thinks so. When the deal was struck last spring after Jericho Road’s Vive Shelter exceeded its capacity, Glick said the university initially indicated it might eventually need the dorm space. But he said the two sides…
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