MONTGOMERY- The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan (CFOS) is delighted to announce the addition of Robert A. Onofry, Esq. and Kirsten Harlow Foster to its Board of Directors.ย These distinguished individuals bring a wealth of experience, community commitment, and expertise to further enhance the Foundationโs mission of connecting people who care with causes that matter.
Robert A. Onofry, Esq. is a returning member of the CFOS Board of Directors. A graduate of the New England School of Law, the recently retired judge practiced law in Port Jervis for over three decades.ย He served as Port Jervis City Court Judge, where he established the first Drug Court in the area.ย With a ten-year term as Orange County Surrogate Judge and an appointment as Acting Supreme Court Justice for the Ninth Judicial District, Onofryโs legal insights are widely recognized.
Onofryโs community commitment shines through his past roles as Rotary president and board member for organizations like Mercy Community Hospital and the Biondo Foundation.ย His service to the Port Jervis School District spans 25 years as a Board member, past president, and school attorney.ย Notably, Onofry established a scholarship fund at CFOS that supports Port Jervis graduates.ย He and his wife Linda, reside in Port Jervis, cherishing moments with their four children and five grandchildren.
Kirsten Harlow Foster is an accomplished professional joining the CFOS Board of Directors. Co-founder of Foster Supply Hospitality, which operates six hotels and five restaurants in Sullivan County, Harlow Foster has also co-founded A Single Bite, a not-for-profit organization addressing food insecurity in the region.ย Her extensive experience includes a decade as a Senior Policy Advisor at The Federal Reserve Bank of New York.ย Currently, she serves as President of the Board of Trustees for WJFF Radio Catskill and Vice President of the SUNY Sullivan Foundation Board.
Harlow Foster graduated from Barnard…
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