Niagara County ‘Out of the Darkness’ Walk set for Saturday in Whirlpool State Park

The Mental Health Association in Niagara County is organizing a local Out of the Darkness Community Walk starting at 11 a.m. Saturday at Whirlpool State Park in Niagara Falls in recognition of September having been designated Suicide Prevention Month.

The community walks, which began in 2004, are sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and are held in hundreds of cities across the country. According to organizers, they are intended to give people the courage to open up about their own connections to the cause of preventing suicides and create a culture that is smarter about mental health.

An outreach table will be set up in Whirlpool Park and there will be giveaways, organizers said. The event also will feature a speaker from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Friends, family members, neighbors and co-workers will walk side-by-side during the event to support each other in memory of those they have lost to suicide.

Read the full article here


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