Audit says Dutchess continues to subsidize county airport and bus system

POUGHKEEPSIE – An independent audit of Dutchess County government finances in 2022 found the county as a “low-risk auditee.”

The audit found the county’s unassigned fund balance had decreased by $77.4 million from $119.5 million at the end of 2021. County Comptroller Robin Lois said the $42 million decrease brings the county in line with what the balance should be and spent down the unassigned fund balance for some capital expenses rather than bond for them.

The audit did find that the county continues to subsidize its airport and transportation system. The county’s subsidy for Hudson Valley Airport was over $655,100, up from $599,200 the previous year, said Lois.

“The transit is more substantial in the jump in 2021, going from $1.4 million to $4.2 million, so that is something we really want to dig into,” she said. “But we know the transit has gone through a lot of changes, particularly after COVID and being shut down.”

Lois said the auditors suggested those two budgets be absorbed into the general fund.

The sales tax proceeds remain the highest source of revenue for the county at $260.2 million in 2022, up from $255.5 million the year before.

Read the full article here


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