Hornell restaurant owner admits to wage-related tax fraud

A local restaurant owner, Theodore LaFrance, admitted to wage-related tax fraud charges in the U.S. District Court. Chief U.S. District Judge Elizabeth A. Wolford presided over the case in which LaFrance pleaded guilty to assisting in preparing a deceitful tax return.

The charges bring with them potential penalties of up to three years in prison and fines reaching $100,000.

U.S. Attorney Meghan K. McGuire revealed that between 2014 and 2018, LaFrance, the owner of T&J Country Kitchen Inc., relayed incorrect wage information to his payroll service provider, Staff Leasing Inc. The misreporting pertained to cash wages paid to the restaurantโ€™s kitchen and janitorial personnel, which went unreported. The false reporting amounted to unaccounted wages of $235,560.42 over the years, leading to a tax deficit of approximately $36,040.74.

The Internal Revenue Serviceโ€™s Criminal Investigation Division spearheaded the probe, leading to the forthcoming sentencing scheduled for January 10, 2024.

Read the full article here


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