My email inbox, much like yours, I’m sure, is often brimming with spam, ads and all kinds of other delete-worthy messages. But I dare not do a big global delete to empty it out because I would miss all your super fun, amazingly helpful and otherwise downright fun tips and tricks. Today, I’m sharing.
I enjoy baking, but don’t like measuring sticky ingredients like shortening or peanut butter. Now I spray the measuring cup with a nonstick cooking spray and the sticky ingredient slides right out. I no longer have to spend time scraping the measuring cup or spoon. — Joyce R.
When traveling, pack an unused dryer sheet, especially if you’re traveling to a dry, desert-like area. A few swipes with the dryer sheet will eliminate static from garments and equipment. — S.M.M.
READ MORE: Everyday Cheapskate: A life-saving financial plan for new college students
I save the small bottles of shampoo lotion and other toiletry items from hotels. When I have a big batch of them, I drop them off at any VFW location or women’s shelter. They can always use them. — Cathy T.
If you want to make smooth, clear iced tea that isn’t bitter, just add a pinch of baking soda to the water while brewing. I use an iced tea maker, so I add the baking soda with the ice. It turns out fabulous without affecting the taste in any way. I prefer sweet tea, but this will work with unsweetened tea, too. — Sheryl R.
I have a great way to get rid of those pesky ants that dare to come into my home. I go out to my herb garden, pick a few sprigs of mint and drop them on the floor in areas where the ants congregate. By morning the ants are gone. This is safe for pets, too. Since I already have the mint growing in my yard, it can’t get any cheaper than free! — Linda J.
We are re-roofing our house, and we didn’t want to pay the cost of having the old shingles hauled away. We have an area in our yard that we plan to landscape with decorative white rocks and we decided to recycle the old shingles by…
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