Britain’s COVID-19 response inquiry enters a second phase with political decisions in the spotlight

LONDON — Britain’s inquiry into the response to the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the nation entered its second phase Tuesday, with political decision-making around major developments, such as the timing of lockdowns, set to take center stage.

Families whose loved ones died during the pandemic held a silent protest outside the inquiry in London, and claimed the new stage of the investigation — the so-called Module 2, the second of four planned phases — is ignoring how they were failed by politicians and policymakers. Many were holding portraits of their deceased loved ones, and stood beside a banner which read “Stop silencing the bereaved.”

“I hope the inquiry has access to evidence it needs which includes evidence from the bereaved,” said Lorelei King, 69, who lost her actor husband Vincent Marzello, 72, in March 2020. “They have taken impact statements, but we have much more to provide. Many of us were eyewitnesses to what went on during that time.”

Chair Judge Heather Hallett insisted that the voices of the bereaved won’t be ignored during his stage of the inquiry, which will focus on the U.K. government’s actions during the crisis from January 2020, when it first became evident that the virus was spreading around the world. The first phase, which concluded in July, looked at the country’s preparedness for the pandemic.

Hallett, who is a judge at Britain’s Court of Appeal in London, acknowledged calls for more bereaved people to be brought in as witnesses, but said there wasn’t enough time to hear more.

“The need for me to reach conclusions and make recommendations to reduce suffering in the future when the next pandemic hits the U.K. is pressing,” she said. “I say when the next pandemic hits the U.K., because the evidence in Module 1 suggested it is not if another pandemic will hit us, but when.”

She said the focus of the current phase will be “on governance and key decision-making at a high level in the United Kingdom…

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