Dear Editor,
I have lived in Swan Lake all my life. My entire family and that of my husband of over 14 years have also lived and raised their children here for more than 5 generations. My great-grandfather owned a popular restaurant in Swan Lake for over 20 years, The Red Barn. Before that, he owned a landscape supply and nursery at the site. My husband and I own our own landscaping business. Our 13 year old son attends Liberty Middle School.
I am not opposed to the PUD going in so long as they: keep the development substantially hidden from the road so as to preserve the natural beauty and charm of our community as well as preserving important natural habitat for our many birds and animals. Donate the adjacent property across Kelly Bridge Road as “forever wild” which would be a neighborly gesture showing good faith and consideration for the concerns about our wildlife. Make sufficient improvements to the roads including sidewalks to support the thousands of people which will flood our narrow country roads with UTV’s, strollers, and families walking three and four abreast.
I am opposed to: the fact that I cannot get a permit to build a garage on my property with an apartment over it (for my aging mother to live in) because I cannot have a second livable dwelling on my over five acres of property. Why not?
Yvonne S. Eronimous
Swan Lake
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