Schumer and Gillibrand join the call for crash gate on I-84

WASHINGTON – Following the charter bus crash on Interstate 84 in Wawayanda last month in which two people were killed, Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand and Congressman Pat Ryan have joined the call for the installation of a crash gate from a local road so that emergency vehicles can have a quick response to accidents on the superhighway.

State Senator James Skoufis and Assemblyman Karl Brabenec and Slate Hill fire officials called for installation of the gate immediately after the bus that was carrying students to a Pennsylvania band camp crashed when a tire blew out.

Without a crash gate, firefighters had to travel on local roads to the next closest entrance to the highway and then drive back to the scene, wasting precious time.

The federal lawmakers have now called on the Federal Highway Administration to assist New York and local officials with creation of the gate for emergency vehicles.

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