This Mother’s Day, many moms will hear a familiar phrase: “Thank you for doing the most important job in the world.”
As a mother of two kids, I appreciate the sentiment. Plus, it’s nice to have a day that celebrates moms, especially when so much of our labor feels invisible.
But many of the moms I know agree that we’re sick of hearing about all that we do. We also don’t need to hear about “the joys of parenting” or how we are “selfless superheroes.”
What we really want is the assurance that we’re not alone. Because caretaking truly takes a village — and I don’t mean just an occasional babysitter or casserole drop-off. It requires a society with the infrastructure to help care for children.
So this year, I wish more people would say to moms: “We’ve got your back. How can we help?”
Here are just a few things that we can’t do alone:
1. Keeping our kids alive
There’s only so much we can do as parents to protect our kids in a society that has more guns than people and rampant school shootings.
As a parent, you can’t single-handedly make the laws or keep drunk drivers off the roads. Making our communities safe is a communal effort.
2. Providing for our families
3. Supporting our kids’ mental health
It’s hard for parents to give kids the mental health support they need without affordable and accessible mental health services.
The U.S. has “a chronic shortage of psychiatrists, and it’s going to keep growing,” says Saul Levin, medical director of the American Psychiatric Association.
The situation is even worse for rural areas: 60% of rural Americans live in an area with a mental health provider shortage.
4. Protecting our kids online
We can’t keep our kids off the internet forever. Parents are grossly outmatched when going up against a tech industry dedicated to getting our kids addicted to their apps and products.
Fortunately, better privacy and safety protections for kids online is one of the rare issues that has bipartisan support.
5. Teaching our kids how to be civil in public…
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