Happiness is a choice, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. When we’re stuck in a constant loop of fear and negativity, it can be tough to cultivate a positive mindset.
As leaders at the Institute for Global Happiness, we’re constantly thinking about the small, intentional things we can all do to make our communities more positive, content and resilient.
Often, it starts with how we speak to others, and to ourselves. If you use any of these six phrases every day, you’re genuinely happier than most:
1. “I get to…”
Reframing “have to’s…” into “get to’s…” is a powerful way to tap into a mindset of gratitude.
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You don’t have to see someone about your back pain, for example. You get to. This is the benefit of living with the most advanced medicine available in human history.
And you don’t have to check in on the screaming toddler that you thought was asleep — you get to. You’ll miss the midnight hugs in a few years, so an extra one tonight might be good for the both of you.
2. “What was your rose?”
Studies have shown that gratitude can make us both happier and physically healthier. A great way to incorporate thankfulness in your life is the game “Rose, thorn, bud.”
A rose is any highlight, tiny win, or small pleasure from the day. “I finally found the keys to the shed,” “My principal emailed me a thank you,” “I got an assist at hockey practice.” A thorn is something that hurt or didn’t go well. And finally, a bud, or something you’re looking forward to.
It might be awkward at first, but we’ve found that it has become a force for positivity and connection.
3. “Tell me more…”
When someone starts opening up, many of us have a tendency to want to solve their problems or give them advice.
Instead, simply saying “Tell me more,” with its implicit offering of time and energy to listen, allows them to keep processing their feelings and thoughts, while also…
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