A Little Bit Of Snapback Goes A Long Way: If We Love Our Bodies, They Will Love Us Back

We live in a world fixated on the phrase “healthy body, healthy mind,” and although this is great, what if it was the other way around? We all know that we are what we eat, but do people really know enough about the mind-body connection? Awareness is everything, and society has always been aware of humanity’s minds and bodies being codependent, but in more recent years, the focus has shifted toward mental health. Although this is fantastic, statistically, it is extremely difficult to feel good on the inside when we don’t consume the right items on the outside.

Ninety-five percent of one’s serotonin, or the feel-good neurotransmitter, is released in the gastrointestinal tract (gut), and everything that goes into the gut has to be broken down by the powerhouse of our internal anatomy, the liver. The liver is the CEO of the body when it comes to removing toxins and performs over 500 jobs to keep our bodies safe. A compromised liver can impair serotonin metabolism, potentially contributing to mood disorders. A study published in Psychopharmacology in 2019 found that liver dysfunction was associated with reduced serotonin availability, highlighting the importance of a healthy liver in maintaining emotional well-being.

As an integral part of the digestive system, the liver must process everything the stomach and intestines digest and absorb. One of its main functions for nutrition is to produce bile, a chemical that converts fat into fuel for the body. Even eating a cheeseburger or drinking a milkshake would make a person very sick without the liver.

Cue SnapBack Energy, a health supplement that helps raise energy levels, cure hangovers, increase liver health and much more. Scientifically sourced with the finest organic products, it is the brainchild of veterans who decided to serve in other ways when they left the forces; fate and duty have now called on them to help people defend their livers.

Unlike caffeine and energy drinks, Snapback has no negative aftereffects. It…

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