Everything About Eye Twitching: Causes Of The Condition And Precautions

Eye twitching, known as myokymia, refers to the involuntary twitching of the eyelid muscles. It is important to note that eye twitching does not involve the actual movement of the entire eye, but rather the pesky twitching of the eyelid itself.

The underlying cause of eye twitching is the accidental misfiring of neurons responsible for stimulating the eyelid muscles. Fortunately, myokymia is generally harmless, and typically resolves on its own.

Common causes

There are several common reasons that your eyelids are twitching.

  • Stress
  • Excess caffeine (Here’s what your daily dose of caffeine does to your body.)
  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue
  • Eye strain
  • Alcohol
  • Dry eye
  • Nutrition problems
  • Allergies

Dr. Hardik Soni, MD, Founder and Medical Director of Ethos Spa told Reader’s Digest although twitching can rarely be a sign of brain disorder, one still ideally see a doctor when the situation sustains for a long term.

“Very rarely, eye twitching can be a sign of certain brain and nerve disorders,” said Soni. “But then the twitch is accompanied by other signs and symptoms. Look for medical help if the twitching persists for a long time (one to three weeks), twitching occurs in other parts of the face, and the eyes are red, swollen, or have a discharge.”

Below are some ways you can better deal with this condition: (Courtesy: Very Well Health)

Reduce stress: Perform activities like yoga, meditation, and most importantly spend quality time with your loved ones to bring down your stress levels.

Cut back on caffeine: It’s imperative to avoid drinks that irritate your nerves such as coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks, and some medications should you need faster relief from the annoying spasm.

Sleep more: Get plenty of sleep as sleep deprivation can be one of the causes of the condition.

Lower screen time: The more you lower your digital eye strain the faster you achieve riddance from the condition.

Apply warm compress: Place a warm washcloth onto your eyelids for 5-10 minutes a day this will reduce your…

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